Huge NAIL POLISH Declutter | (nail polish hoarder)

Nail polish is a staple in most women's collections. I'm sure you agree with me when I say that it can quickly get out of hand. You buy a couple of nice ones, a few that your friend recommended, then you grab a couple for your upcoming vacation. All of a sudden you are stuck with a mountain of nail polish that seems to be never-ending.

Ever found yourself in a similar situation?

I have a solution.


Sounds so easy, yet really isn't, I know. But trust me, going through your collection and picking the pieces you like the most, while throwing away expired ones brings so much satisfaction. And if you can't decide which pieces you wanna keep, call your friends over and let them pick what they like.

Look on the brighter side. Getting rid of old dusty products enables you to buy new ones. Oh, you like that, don't you?

If you'd like to see me declutter my collection, there is a brand new video on my channel.

Thank you for reading,
Bonnie. xoxo


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