How to Dry Oranges at Home | Homemade Christmas Decorations

When it comes to decorating a Christmas tree, I always try to add some personal touches. Whether that is in form of photos or homemade ornaments. Quite some time ago I found out about dried oranges and how amazing they look not only on a Christmas tree but anywhere else around the house really.

So I listened to some advice and did my research online as well. Unfortunately I don't have my tree up yet so I couldn't hang them. Here is a couple of tips:

1. Slice your oranges into equally thick slices. 

This is so important because the more similar thickness they are, the easier they are going  to dry in an oven. Some of mine were thinner and they ended up looking a little bit more burnt than I would desire.

2. Dry them with a paper towel and place on a baking sheet.

If you want to dry your oranges on air, I would recommend covering them with a tea towel and placing them in a dry and warm place (next to a fire place or on a radiator). This will take a couple of days and they should be ready to go!

3. Place them in the oven and dry.

If you want them to dry in a couple of hours, just preheat your oven to a 100°C, place them on a baking sheet with some baking paper on it, and bake them for about 2-3 hours. I cannot tell you the exact time of when they are going to be done. You need to keep an eye on them every 30 minutes or so.

Little tip: If they start getting darker than you would like them to be, take them out of the oven and let them dry on air for a couple more minutes/hours.

If you want to check if they are dry, just gently poke them with a toothpick.

This has been my second year of drying oranges at home and from now on I would like to keep it a tradition. I love the way it makes the house smell, plus I'm all about homemade ornaments for Christmas trees.



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