How to: Quick Tomato Pasta

Few weeks ago I was at a party at my friend's house to celebrate her birthday. And because I stayed there for two nights, we were looking for something really quick to cook. We ended up ordering a pizza for the evening, but we also had to eat something for lunch the day after just before I headed back home.

I sat down and had my coffee so I didn't feel like a zombie. After a couple of minutes she was done cooking and I was brought a full plate of this amazing meal.

To this day I don't understand why I never tried this before, mainly because it's so simple and tastes delicious!


pasta of your choice

grated cheese (150g)

1,5 cup of ketchup

1 cup of tomato puree

1 cup of fresh diced tomatoes

fresh basil

dried basil

How to:

Cook your pasta in a boiling water to get them ready.

In a large pan, heat a little bit of olive oil and add the pasta.

After that just add the fresh tomatoes and stir while cooking.

When the tomatoes become softer, add the ketchup as well as the tomato puree and mix.

Add the cheese until it melts completely and don't forget to sprinkle it with dried basil.

At this point your pasta should be ready! You can also add some fresh basil if you want.

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you decide to try this recipe out, send me pictures on instagram or twitter. I also have many beauty posts ready so watch out for those soon.



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