DIY: Homemade Lipsticks

Lip products are my absolute favourite when it comes to makeup. From lipbalms to lipbutters, there's so much to explore! As a huge beauty fanatic, I often find myself buying a lot of this stuff. Few shades of red, few shades of orange... Besides that I am also someone who loves the idea of crafting and basically doing stuff yourself.

I've been looking around for different recipes for perfect lipsticks so I could make any colour I wanted without spending hundreds of cash. I found the crayon method, however it didn't work for me at all. It all went great, but once it dried, I couldn't get any colour on the brush. After that I repeated the whole process and added much more of coconut oil. After that the consistency was better, however the colours appeared on my lips pretty much transparent. The wax also felt a bit too heavy on my skin.

After all this I decided to stick to my old trusty method and added two brand new lipsticks to my makeup collection.

  • Pick a container and fill it with any eyeshadow of your choice. (The colour you want your lipstick to be). You can also go with bronzer or blush if you like the colours. Go with any colour you want, but make sure the product has a powdery consistence.
  • Take a spoon or a Q-tip and make sure it's as smooth as possible.
  • After that add either a Vaseline, coconut oil or a clear lip balm (like I did).
  • Now it's time to mix it until it all comes together. If it feels too dry, add some extra lip balm and continue with the mixing until everything is smooth.

It doesn't look the best, but trust me once you clean the containers, it looks just fine, ha-ha!

Here's how the pink one looks:

Here's the brown one:

Keep in mind they're not going to look the exact same, as you're working with different colours, but I just wanted to show you that this method really works and it literally took me about 5 minutes to do this.

My hair is a different colour as well, ha-ha! I got it coloured few weeks ago, I'm getting it cut on Wednesday so I'll be writing a post dedicated to the colour and the new style as well.



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