Back To School Advice

I've been thinking a lot whether to write this or not. You may as well already returned to school this year. In my country, the school officially starts on the 2nd of September which is... just around the corner and to be honest I'm freaking out a little.

I wanted to write this to let you know and also to remind myself how important it is to enjoy every single day you spend there. These years are a big part of your life. Ones that will end whether you like them or not. I remember myself being so scared and shy the first day of school. I was 15, insecure, not sure where I was going in life as most people at this age are. And that is completely okay.

Two years later I'm sitting in my bedroom, thinking how fast time goes. I look at the time and I see the second hand constantly going forward. I remember getting my first 'F', thinking it was the end of the world and now I'm writing this, laughing.

Honestly, don't take it so seriously. What's meant to happen is going to happen. Your grades are NOT your reflection. It's who you truly see. It's what you want deep inside. Don't let your parents lead you. Let them show you the road, but walk on your own. I mean, over 90% of the things you learn in high school won't be needed in your everyday life. And that is okay. Have fun. Behave. Make mistakes. It's all completely normal.

Make friends, they'll stay even after the school gate finally closes. Laugh as much as you can, that's the best you can do. 

And don't be mean to people. Happy people don't hurt others. Remember that.



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