Vintage Christmas Presents


Merry Christmas everyone! Or… boxing day, depending on where you live. In my country we celebrate Christmas Eve by a lovely dinner and give each other gifts right afterwards. 

This year was no exception. Because I got the camera and all the equipment with it, I didn’t get anything interesting I could show you. Though I’ve decided to pick some things.

First is a bubble bath. Baths are my favourite thing in the entire world. They are so calming and relaxing. This product has the sweetest bottle and smells amazing too.
Next is a shower gel and shampoo, I mean how great is that? Now let me tell you, when you smell this one, it’s like smelling a plum jam. LOVE IT! (This is from Czech Republic, I have no idea how the shipping works)

The last one is a soup. I love soups in general and this one has the cutest packaging.

Over all, I’m pretty happy with this year’s Christmas. It’s been a rough year, a lot of work behind us, let’s make next one even better!

Bonnie. xoxo


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