New family member

Hi everybody, meet Elton – my new kitten.  He's a British shorthair, born on February the first. They say British shorthairs are usually calm. Let me tell you, this guy right here knows how to keep you up all night. Although he wakes me up pretty early in the morning (sometimes even earlier than my alarm), I have to say he's such a sweetheart. Getting a cat has been my dream for years now. I had lots of animals in past, nothing exotic or unusual – a hamster, dog, budgie and bunny... I think you can tell I'm pretty much used to animal company. My mom works until late, so I usually stay home alone after school. Plus we now live in smaller apartment, which didn't allow us to buy a dog. Considering the fact that I love cats but never had one, I thought it would be a great idea and sooner as expected, we brought one home.

I got him for my birthday which was two and a half months ago. If you are thinking about getting a pet but can't decide which one is right for you, here's an example. Cats are perfect company whether you are young or old, lazy or hyper, alone or in a big family. British shorthairs get used to other animals or children easily as well.

People often say cats are too proud or false and can't give you much love. That's why people mostly prefer dogs. I'm sure I can't speak for all the breeds but British shorthairs can definitely show you as much love as you desire. That's why they are so good with families and other animals – they can adopt really quickly. If you need them to be hyper, they are going to play all day. On the other hand, if you prefer lying on the couch most of the time, they will watch TV with you. Of course I can't speak for kittens, they are like other baby animals - playful and crazy but once they grow up, they become lazier and don't jump around crazily, unless you actually want them to. It all depends on how you treat and train them, just like with other animals.

As you can see I could talk for hours here... to sum it up, I just wanted to show you my new honey.

Fun fact: Did you know cats sleep for 70% of their lives?


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