MAKEUP THERAPY - Blue & Gold Magic

Hey loves,

I wanted to share my yesterday's thoughts, as I find them important. We're almost at the end of 2019, which made me think how I'd evaluate this year myself.

These past 12 months have been the best of my life for many reasons. And while I'm not here to talk about my problems or personal life, I would like to admit that even though this year has brought so much to me, my mental health has not been the best.

Anxiety is an enemy of mine that I fight on everyday bases. More than I like to admit. It's alright though, I've learned my ways of coping with this issue and I continue to grow my armour.

For the first time in what felt like forever, all I wanted to do was to grab a brush and a palette and just start painting. For some reason blending the shadows together calmed my stress right away.

I want to encourage you to find whatever makes you happy. Whether that is drawing, cleaning the house, writing poems, sketching, doodling or walking your dog. And everytime you feel down, depressed or anxious, do it. Instead of drowning in your thoughts, find the strength to say NO and make yourself happy again. Heal the wounds one by one, or else it's going to be harder and harder each time.

Here is what my makeup therapy ended up looking like. I didn't intend on posting this anywhere, that was not my goal overall. And whilst this is definitely not my favourite look I ever did, I wanted to share the intention.

Enjoy the holidays, continue to heal and follow whatever makes your heart beat faster with excitement.
With love,
Bonnie. xoxo


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