Bullet journaling 101 | APRIL | DIY

Hi everyone! This is my first ever bullet journal post so I hope you will like it.

If you have no idea what bullet journaling is, it's basically creating your own journal according to your needs. You can decorate it in any way you'd like, or you can just leave it blank. Many people put various tasks, to do lists and trackers to see how they improved in certain things. 

The reason I started bullet journaling is a, because I'm a creative person and b, I couldn't find a journal that would fit all my needs. These are also the most common reasons why people start bullet journaling.

There are many tutorials online that show you how to do it step by step. So if you are new to bullet journaling, I'd recommend checking those first.

This is how my bullet journal for April looks like. You can see I kept it quite simple.

↗ This is the monthly Log, which allows you to see the whole month on one page. I personally like to mark Birthdays and big events here. :)

↗ This is the task list, also called as TO DO LIST. Here you write everything you want to do in the month. I put my tasks into three categories - work, general and school.

↗ This is a page which I never miss. Here I write 5 goals for the month which I want to achieve. You can also add rewards so it'll help you stay motivated. I find this page very important as it is quite easy to forget goals which we do not write down.

↗ This is the habit tracker which is very popular amongst bullet journalists. Every day you tick your daily habits and at the end of the month you can see what you should improve.

↗ And lastly I have my weekly logs. I put all 4 weeks into 2 pages because I find that I never really need too much space for these. Here you write days of all weeks and you can write your daily tasks.

Inspo: mylifeinabullet on Youtube

Obviously everybody's bullet journal is different that is the beauty of it all. Let me know if you'd like to see more and maybe I can film a tutorial as well for Youtube.



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