Living to the fullest! ♡

I honestly don't remember the last time I went for a walk. I've missed it so much! And although I was feeling very ill yesterday, I wanted to make sure to go outside. I'm a huge workaholic, I love keeping myself occupied. I also mostly work from home so I spend most of the time inside. I've decided to change it and get out as much as I can, because there is so much to see!

This afternoon me, my friends and my boyfriend went for a little hike to our highest hill - Zobor. I live in Nitra in Slovakia. I asked if we could bring Erik, which is my boyfriend's dog and he agreed. So the four of us took the dog and made a little trip to the top of the hill, from where you can see the whole town and also little villages around it.

It's moments like these when you realise how much you love the people around you and how grateful you are for every moment that you spend together. In today's world I feel like it's so important to find joy in the smallest things, such as nature or simply your closest people. For me, this is what matters.

At the end of the day, it's these memories that make you smile. And it scares me so much that one day these people might not be around anymore. Life changes, people change too. Nobody is the same as they were yesterday. Therefore enjoy every second, good or bad, just live it before it's gone.



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