When it all goes down... (Life Update)

It seems to me like 2016 came out of nowhere! I don't think I have ever felt so unprepared and anxious in my life. I was sitting on my bed, sorting out my thoughts, trying to come up with some solution. Of course, it'd be easier to shut down and just not think at all, however I thought I'd rather write a post, briefly explaining everything that is happening in my life right now.

I'd like to start by saying that at the end of December 2015 a huge part of my life changed. Everything is completely okay, it's just something different, something I'll have to get used to. After Christmas I planned all the videos I wanted to film in 2016. So as the new year came along, I started filming videos again. 

And how come they are not on my Youtube channel? ... 

Our internet decided not to work. The connection is alright, it just doesn't work like it should. It doesn't allow me to upload, watch movies or download big files. It takes hours to load everything, it stops working whenever it wants to. To be completely honest, I wouldn't mind not having any internet at all, if it wasn't for my Youtube channel. It's something so simple, yet it makes me so happy. I put so much work into filming and editing, not knowing it'd be for nothing.

This situation is currently getting fixed. I have no idea how long it's going to take. Hopefully it will be done by the end of January, because I have some exciting things for February!

In few months I'm also moving my bedroom and decorating a new one, so that's exciting! However nothing bugs me more than not being able to work, which is what's happening right now. :(

I've also just finished the first semester of my third year in grammar school. That means there's only three semesters left from my graduation. WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?

And it's my birthday in March, I'm turning 18, I mean... I still feel like a 12 year old anyway... Ha-ha!

I also finally want to go to London this year. Although I'm not even sure anymore to be honest. I guess I'll leave that onto destiny.

I'll be at home for a couple of days, our teachers are protesting (it's a thing, happening in Slovakia at the moment...). That gives me more free time to film and write posts as well. I'm doing everything that I can to fix the internet connection, so wish me luck and we'll see how fast it can be ready!

These are the main things happening right now, I don't want to get into details so this is just a quick explanation of what's been happening and why I've been away. I'm going to go now, listen to Simple Plan and probably cook something, because that screams comfort to me! :)

Thank you so much for reading and also for your patience.



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