How to: Kale Chips

To be honest I have never been really tempted to do this, but today I felt like trying something new and this was the first thing that popped into my head.

I want to start working out again and so I promised myself to eat healthier for a while. Although I know fresh kale is 100% better for you, I'm not sure if I'd get used to the raw taste. I don't have a problem with eating raw vegetables, it's just that kale has never been my favourite.

However I love trying new stuff and this recipe has been floating around internet for a good while now, so here I am, sharing my experience with you.

  • First step is to wash your kale and let it dry completely. This is very important otherwise it will take longer to bake, which means it gets burnt easier.

  • Next step is to cut your kale into small pieces. (chip size)

  • Put all your kale pieces into a bowl, drizzle with olive oil and add a touch of salt. This is also the part when you add your flavours. I decided to use minced garlic as I thought it was quite original for a chip flavour. I recommend mixing them with your hands so you can make sure all the leaves are coated well.
  • After that just put them on a baking sheet, preheat the oven to 250°C and bake for about 15 minutes. Keep an eye on them though, they can burn soooo quickly!

  • And the chips are done!

I must say they taste delicious and they also turned out to be surprisingly crispy. It's a long process though. I think it took me about an hour or so to process one whole kale. Of course the amount is on you.

Overall, this is one of the best healthy snacks that I tried yet and it's definitely better for you, than regular potato chips. I definitely recommend giving it a try!

