Get To Know Me Tag

Hi everyone!

For the past few days my anxiety has taken over me, so I didn't feel comfortable to do anything basically. I was feeling down and it all ended with illness, which I've been fighting with for few days now. I went to my doctor today. That means few days off when I only get to relax and sleep. I love sleeping so much, but I've decided to focus on work as much as I'll be able to (plan videos and posts, write and film).

Anyways, yesterday I came across this Tag and thought it would be an interesting post, as I mostly do tutorials from which you don't really get to know me as a person.

1.   Is your hair naturally curly or straight?

My hair is definitely not curly, but definitely not straight either. I like to describe it as a 'hot mess' but I guess it's kind of wavy.

2.   Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?

I don't trust myself enought ha-ha. It's usually my mom who dyes it or my hairdresser.

3. Do you wear the same style everyday, or do you change it?

If there's something you should know about me, it's the fact that I hate routine. I always have to change things up, I have to remake my room every now and then so it's not the same, otherwise I cannot stand it... same with my hair. I usually wear it down, curly or straight, sometimes in a bun or a braid. On the days when I work out, I usually wear it in a ponytail or two.

4. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?

I absolutely love doing my nails. I used to bite my nails, but now that they're longer I can do whatever nail art I want and it's such an amazing feeling. Lately I was thinking about going to a salon and get gel manicure done, since I'm not able to do that at home. I'll keep you updated ha-ha!

5. How often do you change your nail polish?

As soon as possible. Like I said before, I love change and so I try to do my nails at least once a week. It also depends on where I'm going.

6. Do you polish your toes in the winter or just the summer?

I polish them in winter as well. There's so many choices of colours and patterns, every season is unique. Plus... painting my nails is a relax for me, so I do it all year round.

7. How long does it take for you to put on makeup?

Okay, I'm not going to lie... LONG. I'm the slowest person on Earth so what takes you like ten minutes takes me about 20 (at least). To be honest it does take me about 5 minutes when I only put on concealer and mascara, but I like to play with makeup as it's my hobby and it's also a part of my job so I always try to find time for it.

8. What do you do first? Face or eyes?

Face. Most of the time. However when I'm doing heavy eye makeup, I like to go for the eyes first so it doesn't all smudge together on the rest of my face.

9. Do you collect makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?

I collect it. Makeup is my favourite thing to buy and honestly... a big obsession of mine. It's hard for me to leave the shop without buying anything.

10. How often do you wear false eyelashes?

Fun fact: I've actually never worn them.

11. Do you do a full face of makeup everyday?

Nope. As much as I love it, I'm way too lazy for it.

12. Do you wear makeup when you’re home alone or with family?

When it's just me or my mom, I don't. But when we meet as a family and go for a lunch or dinner, I try to look my best.

13. Will you leave the house without makeup?

I will, but I won't feel good. I'm the most insecure person ever. I hate it, but can't change it...

14. How many high-end products do you have?

Not a lot. I've never really focused on buying them, drugstore products work just as fine for me. I have few though that I use on special occasions.

15. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you’re getting dressed?

Yop. I plan everything. Literally. Clothes, makeup, events, meals... everything.

16. How often do you change your handbag?

It depends on what I'm wearing, but I usually have handbags that are big enought for my school supplies.

17. What time do you wake up and go to sleep?

I wake up at 6:30 for school and usually go to sleep at 11. At the weekends I try to sleep as much as I can, ha-ha.

18. How often or when do you workout?

I stopped working out, because I'm ill at the moment. I had to stop doing cardio, because I'm going to have an operation done soon (knee problems). But I used to do pilates about three times a week if there was time for that obviously.

19. Left handed or right handed?

Right handed. :)

20. How tall are you?

Ehm... Five ft Two. I'm pretty short.

21. Do you speak any foreign languages?

Appart from my mother language which is Slovak, I can speak English, Czech and I'm also learning Italy.

22. How many pets do you have?

One cat, Elton.

23. How often are you on Blogger?

Pretty much every other day. I try to post as much as I can. It's not easy with school and friends, but I try my best.

24. Do you read comments posted on blogs?

Yes. I always like to see what people think of the stuff that I'm interested in. Same when it comes to my blog.

25. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?

Usually only mental notes, but if I really like something, I write it down.

26. How did you come up with your blog name?

I wanted it simple so I went with my name. Well not the real one, but the one I want to have when I move to England.

27. What kind of camera do you use for your photographs?

I use Canon EOS 600D for photos as well as for filming. (18-55 lens)

28. How often do you clean your house?

Me and my mom usually clean together. It's usually the small things, but if we're talking about full flat cleaning then every two weeks.

29. What’s your favorite color?

Green. :)

30. Do you swear?

I do, but I try not to. Ha-ha. I don't like it.

31. What are you doing with the rest of your day?

I'll probably grab something to eat and play Sims for a while before I get back to work. I'm obsessed, ha-ha!

I hope you found out something more about me.
Thanks for reading.


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