Brown Ombre Makeup Tutorial

Hi everyone!

Because I've been stuck at home due to my illness for the past week and probably will be for the following one as well, I thought I'd use my free time and work more. So... here I am, bringing you a new makeup tutorial.

When it comes to makeup, I love to experiment. I saw this technique a while ago, but wasn't quite sure whether I was brave enought to do it. Since makeup is something that you can wash right off, I gave it a go.

I also want to say I'm not a professional and that I'm still learning.

The look I'm going to be showing you today is this really nice brown ombre look. It's a bit different but very simple to do.

  • After you prime your face, apply your foundation and concealer just to get rid of any unwanted redness. Don't forget to use powder if your skin tends to get a bit oily.
  • I didn't do blush this time as I wanted it to be all about the browns so I just applied my bronzer.
  • Fill in your brows if you need to and we can move on to the eyes.

  • Start off by applying a nude eyeshadow all over the lid.

  • Take a flat brush and draw a line along your crease with a light brown eyeshadow. You can also use a pencil, but that would be a bit more difficult to blend. Also don't forget to blend above the crease. You want to leave the lid as clean as possible so it really stands out at the end.

  • After that do the same thing but with a darker brown and keep building it up until you're happy with it.

  • This step is very important, because it makes the eyes to really stand out. I wanted to use gold glitter on the lids, but to make it stand out even more, I firstly applied a white eyeshadow.

  • Now they're ready for the glitter.

  • I decided to add gel eyeliner as well.

  • And to top it off, apply your favourite mascara.

  • Moving on to lips, I went with a classic nude lip. As usual, line your lips with brown or nude pencil.

  • Be careful if you're using the brown pencil as it's really easy to overdo it. Don't forget to blend before applying the nude lipstick.

Here's the complete look.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. I can assure you it's really easy since this was basically my first time trying this look. Ha-ha!



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