Hair History & L'oréal Casting Crème Gloss Chocolate Review

Hello everybody!

I've had this post prepared for quite a while now, but I was waiting for my appointment at the hairstylist so I could fit it all here at once.

I think my hair was the same until I was in my teenage years. That was the age when I decided to grow it out, because I liked it longer. Until then it used to be simply cut up until my shoulders or a bit lower. (Depended on my mom's mood I guess, ha-ha!)

I think I'm like 3 or 4 in this picture.

I would always be told that hair colours are not good for my hair, which I have to admit is true, but then again, it was something I really wanted. I was okay with my natural hair colour which is like a hazel brown with honey tones, though I wanted something different.

My first experience was 'The Ombree' effect, when your hair colour kind off fades into another one (mostly brown and blond, which is exactly what I got.) I kept my natural colour and just asked my hairstylist to bleach the ends and kind of blend it together.

I'm not quite sure when and how I got into bright colours. All I know is that it was summer and I wanted my hair blue. I didn't care how, I just knew it was going to get done. I couldn't use normal hair colour, because I was sure my school wouldn't have accepted it (I was only a freshman). So my hairstylist told me she can cover the blond bits of my hair with green and blue, so it will blend together.

The colour was supposed to wash away after I think like 20 washes. Now, let me tell you something about it. It was a nightmare! I liked the look, because it was what I wanted, but the colour was everywhere!

After a while my hair started to go back to normal. However, because the ends of my hair were bleached, the blue colour didn't want to go away, so I simply coloured my hair with hazel brown colour (like my natural shade) just to cover it. It worked and after a while my ombree started showing again (no blue, just blond).

Recently I've decided to cut the ends of my hair and my fringe as well. I booked an appointment and got my hair cut. Simple, but I wanted a bigger change. I've decided to colour it and the colour I used was the L'oréal Casting Crème Gloss in 535 Chocolate.

And this is how it turned out:

I must say it looked way more red than I thought (at least in person), but over all I'm very happy. I was sure I wanted to go darker, but I was told it's best to take baby steps when it comes to things like this. I'm sure my blond ends are going to start showing off soon though (as they're bleached).

Love, Bonnie. xoxo


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